Monday, January 4, 2010

Why Invest in Property?

For years, people with average income became rich by buying houses for rentals or selling them for a gain. Some have invested in landed properties and some have bought apartments. For some people, they also bought into commercial properties such as shop-offices and office units in office towers. In many occasions, their returns say over a 5 year period has exceeded that of investing in shares and unit trusts or similar investments plans. For these people, investing in properties has mostly been without any downside risks associated with investing in shares.

A lot of the time, when people invest in property they have no intention to become millionaires although I know a few of my friends becoming millionaires by doing so. As in my case, people invest in property because they want to pay for their childrens' university education, to have a comfortable savings in the future or just to maintain a cushy lifestyle. All these are achieved from the selling the properties that they own at a reasonable profit or getting monthly rentals from the properties they own.

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